Atelier Céladon is a non-profit organization. We value projects for their making-of and how those formative concepts can create new contexts for people to interact. Based in Montreal, Céladon represents creators through providing a platform that extends beyond what an individual can manage, and believing in growth through self-driven participation. Support we provide includes but is not limited to workshops and gatherings organized based on the needs of its members, with a focus on collaboration as a means of social organization. Céladon members retain the rights to their cultural production, and anyone is welcome to become a member.

Atelier Céladon prioritizes supporting artists who are underrepresented by mainstream media production, including but not limited to the lived experiences of racialized and gendered bodies. We place emphasis on process-based work, in that artistic creation can happen through collaboration and movement without necessarily designating a completed set of art objects as an end goal.

À des fins purements artistiques et sociales, et sans intention de gain pécuniaire pour ses membres, Atelier Céladon a pour objet :

  • d’organiser des collaborations et des rassemblements d’artistes, d’organisatrices et d’organisateurs communautaires autour des questions liées à l’art contemporain diasporique et autochtone,

  • de promouvoir les travaux artistiques créés par des personnes sous-représentées dans la scène montréalaise, québécoise ou canadienne,

  • d’encourager la diversité des travaux artistiques dans la scène montréalaise, québécoise et canadienne, en valorisant les techniques et les concepts artistiques non-conventionnelles, ainsi que les voix marginalisées.

head of operations / directrice des opérations
Thy Anne Chu Quang

curatorial & research coordinators / coordonnatrices en recherche commissariale
Marie Saadeh (2020)
Kyra Kwak (2019)
Simone Cambridge (2018)

communications & outreach coordinator / coordonnateur en communication
Malick Issa (2018)

founders :: fondatrices
Hera Chan, Amanda Nguyen, Cynthia Or, Linx Selby